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Default to TLS for performance-insensitive additional services

  • Status: accepted
  • Deciders: arch meeting
  • Date: 2022-02-16

Context and Problem Statement

We run additional services in the Workload Cluster, currently databases (PostgreSQL), in-memory caches (Redis) and message queues (RabbitMQ). Traditionally, when these services are provided as managed services, they are exposed via a TLS-encrypted endpoint. See examples for:

In Compliant Kubernetes, the network is assumed trusted, either because we performed a provider audit or because we enabled Pod-to-Pod encryption via WireGuard. Hence, TLS does not improve data security.

How should we expose additional services in Compliant Kubernetes? With or without TLS?

Decision Drivers

  • We want to stick to best practices and sane defaults.
  • We want to make it easy to port applications to Compliant Kubernetes and its additional services.
  • Some services are performance-sensitive: Redis suffers a significant performance drop with TLS
  • The Spotahome Redis Operator does not support TLS.
  • Some services are performance-insensitive: PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ feature negligible performance impact with TLS.

Considered Options

  • Always disable TLS, since the network in Compliant Kubernetes is trusted.
  • Always enable TLS.
  • By default, enable TLS for performance-insensitive services and disable TLS for performance-sensitive services. Allow TLS to be disabled if the user requests it.

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: "By default, enable TLS for performance-insensitive services and disable TLS for performance-sensitive services. Allow TLS to be disabled if the user requests it."


  • Never enable TLS for Redis: Performance impact is huge and the network is already trusted. Furthermore, the Spotahome Redis Operator does not support TLS.
  • Enable TLS by default for PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ: Performance impact is negligible and most application are already configured for it.
  • Allow TLS to be disabled if requested for PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ.