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Allow a Harbor robot account that can create other robot accounts with full privileges

  • Status: accepted
  • Deciders: arch meeting
  • Date: 2022-11-17

Context and Problem Statement

We offer UI access to Harbor with admin privileges. Application Developer uses a Harbor operator that needs an admin robot account with privileges to create other robot accounts with full privileges. Should we allow creation of a Harbor robot account which can create other Harbor robot accounts?

Decision Drivers

  • We want to deliver a platform that is easy to use and easy to automate.
  • We want to ensure platform security and stability.
  • We want to make it hard for Application Developers to break the platform via trivial mistakes.

Considered Options

  • Do not allow Harbor robot account which can create Harbor robot accounts.
  • Allow Harbor robot accounts which can create Harbor robot accounts

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: "Allow Harbor robot accounts which can create Harbor robot accounts", because it does not provide additional privileges, but instead offers a more self-service platform.

Positive Consequences

  • Harbor is more flexible and easy to automate

Negative Consequences

  • Increases the chances that the Application Developer can cripple the Harbor service.

Recommendations to Platform Administrators

Make it clear in the ticket requesting this that the Application Developer accepts the risk of "shooting themselves in the foot"