Capacity Management (Kubernetes Status) Dashboard¶
Relevant Regulations¶
The ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services; [highlights added]
Swedish Patient Data Law¶
This regulation is only available in Swedish. To avoid confusion, we decided not to produce an unofficial translation.
10 § Vårdgivaren ska vid utveckling, idrifttagande och ändring av informationssystem som används för behandling av personuppgifter säkerställa att personuppgifternas tillgänglighet, riktighet, konfidentialitet och spårbarhet inte riskeras.
Mapping to ISO 27001 Controls¶
The use of resources must be monitored, tuned and projections made of future capacity requirements to ensure the required system performance to meet the business objectives.
Welkin Status Dashboard¶
The Welkin Status Dashboard shows a quick overview of the status of your Kubernetes Cluster. This includes:
- Unhealthy Pods
- Unhealthy Nodes
- Resource requested of the total resources in the Cluster
- Pods with missing resource requests
This makes it easy to identify when your Cluster is not working correctly and helps you identify configuration that isn't following best practise.