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In this section we describe a workaround when access to the environment is broken for the Platform Administrators/operators and/or users.

Platform Administrator Access

When Dex or the OpenID provider is malfunctioning, the Platform Administrator might be unable to access the Cluster. The following steps will give you temporary access sufficient for troubleshooting and recovery:

  1. SSH to one of the control-plane Nodes.

  2. Use /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf and run kubectl commands to check the problem

    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
    #run kubectl command
    sudo kubectl get po -A

Kubernetes User Access


This is a temporary solution and access should be disabled once the issue with Dex is resolved.

If Dex is broken, you can manually create a kubeconfig file for a user. While there are different ways to create kubeconfig files, we will use the X.509 client certificates with OpenSSL. Follow the steps below to create a user kubeconfig file.

  1. Create a private key:

    openssl genrsa -out user1.key 2048
  2. Create a certificate signing request (CSR). CN is the username and O the group.

    openssl req -new -key user1.key \
    -out user1.csr \
    -subj "/CN=user1/O=companyname"
  3. Get the Base64 encoding for the generated CSR file.

    cat user1.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n'
  4. Create a Certificate Signing Request with Kubernetes

    cat <<EOF | kubectl  apply -f -
    kind: CertificateSigningRequest
        name: user1
        - system:authenticated
        request: # put here the Base64 encoded text for the CRS that you get in step 3
        - client auth
  5. Approve the CSR

    kubectl certificate approve user1
  6. Get the certificate. Retrieve the certificate from the CSR:

    kubectl get csr/user1 -o yaml

    The certificate value is in Base64-encoded format under status.certificate. Put the content under client-certificate-data:. And also get the Base64 encoded content for the private key and put it under client-key-data:. To get the Base64 encoded content cat user1.key | base64 | tr -d '\n'.

    The kubeconfig file for user1 user looks like:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: <CA>
        server: https://control-node-ip:6443 # ip address of one of the control nodes
    name: <cluster-name>
    - context:
        cluster: <cluster-name>
        user: user1 # <USER>
    name: <USER>@<CLUSTER-NAME>
    kind: Config
    - name: user1
        client-certificate-data: <CLIENT-CRT-DATA>
        client-key-data: <CLIENT-KEY-DATA>
  7. Add the user and namespaces that s/he has access to in wc-config.yaml file.

      # This only controls if the namespaces should be created, user RBAC is always created.
      createNamespaces: true
        - namespace1 # namespaces that the user is allowed to access
        - user1 # the user