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OpenSearch Node Java Options Schema


This is auto-generated documentation from a JSON schema that is under construction, this will improve over time.

Return to the root config schema

Set Java Virtual Machine Options to control the memory allocation of OpenSearch.

As a rule of thumb the minimum allocation -Xms and maximum allocation -Xmx arguments should be the same to be more predictable. Additionally until memory allocation is at 2 GiB and more it is recommended that the memory limit set in Kubernetes is twice the allocation as OpenSearch uses this for cache.

Abstract Extensible Status Identifiable Custom Properties Additional Properties Access Restrictions Defined In
Can be instantiated No Unknown status Unknown identifiability Forbidden Allowed none config/schemas/config.yaml*


string (OpenSearch Node Java Options)


The default value is:

"-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

Return to the root config schema

Generated Sat Feb 22 03:48:16 UTC 2025 from elastisys/compliantkubernetes-apps@main