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Use Standard Kubeconfig Mechanisms

  • Status: accepted
  • Deciders: Compliant Kubernetes Architecture Meeing
  • Date: 2021-02-02

Context and Problem Statement

To increase adoption of Compliant Kubernetes, we were asked to observe the Principle of Least Astonishment. Currently, Compliant Kubernetes's handing of kubeconfig is astonishing. Most tools in the ecosystem use the standard KUBECONFIG environment variable and kubecontext implemented in the client-go library. These tools leave it up to the user to set KUBECONFIG or use the default ~/.kube/config. Similarly, there is a default kubecontext which can be overwritten via command-line. Tools that get cluster credentials generate a context related to the name of the cluster.

Tools that behave as such include:

  • gcloud container clusters get-credentials
  • az aks get-credentials
  • kops
  • helmfile
  • helm
  • kubectl
  • fluxctl

Decision Drivers

  • Compliant Kubernetes needs to observe the Principle of Least Astonishment.
  • Compliant Kubernetes needs to be compatible with various "underlying" vanilla Kubernetes tools.
  • Compliant Kubernetes needs to be usable with various tools "on top".

Considered Options

  • Current solution, i.e., scripts wrapping kubeconfigs in sops which then execute "fixed" commands, like helmfile, helm and kubectl.
  • "Lighter" scripts wrapping and unwrapping kubeconfig, allowing administrators to run helmfile, helm and kubectl as the administrator sees fit.
  • Use standard kubeconfig mechanism.

Decision Outcome

We chose using standard kubeconfig mechanism, because it improves integration both with tools "below" Compliant Kubernetas and "on top" of Compliant Kubernetes.

Tools that produce Kubernetes contexts are expected to use an approach similar to kubectl config set-cluster, set-credentials and set-context. The name of the cluster, user and context should be derived from the name of the cluster.

Tools that consume Kubernetes contexts are expected to use an approach similar to kubectl, helm or helmfile (see links below).