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This is auto-generated documentation from a JSON schema that is under construction, this will improve over time.

Top-level Schemas

Other Schemas


  • AWS Route 53 Secrets

  • Additional Allow Propagate Resources

  • Additional Annotations

  • Additional Properties

  • AdditionalProperties

  • AdditionalProperties

  • Admin Grafana Secrets

  • Affinity$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Affinity

  • Alert Config

  • Alert OpsGenie Config

  • Alert OpsGenie Heartbeat

  • Alert Slack Config

  • Alertmanager Config

  • Alertmanager Config

  • Alertmanager Storage

  • Alertmanager Volume Claim Spec

  • Alertmanager Volume Claim Template

  • Alerts Config

  • Alerts Secrets

  • Allow Dev CRDs

  • Allowlist Range

  • Azure Backend Config

  • Azure Backend Secrets

  • Backup Job Config

  • CPU and Memory Specifications$defs/cpumem

  • Calico Accountant

  • Calico Felix Metrics

  • Capacity Management Alerts$defs/capacityManagementAlerts

  • Capacity Management Alerts

  • Capacity Management Alerts Persistent Volumes$defs/capacityManagementAlerts/properties/persistentVolume

  • Capacity Management Alerts Request Limit$defs/capacityManagementAlerts/properties/requestlimit

  • Capacity Management Alerts Request Limit Term$defs/capacityManagementAlerts/properties/requestlimitTerm

  • Cluster Admin

  • ClusterAPI Config

  • ClusterAPI Monitoring

  • Common Resource$defs/component

  • Config Map Key Selector$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapKeySelector

  • Connector Admin Emails

  • Connector Config

  • Constraints

  • Controller

  • Core Config

  • Custom Kube API target

  • Database Config

  • DefaultAnnotations

  • Dev CRDs Extra CRDs

  • Dev CRDs Extra Service Account

  • Dev Grafana Secrets

  • Dex Config

  • Dex Connector

  • Dex Expiry

  • Dex Expiry Refresh Tokens

  • Dex Google Config

  • Dex Secrets

  • Dex Service Monitor

  • Dex Static Client

  • Disk Alert Pattern$defs/diskAlerts/properties/pattern

  • Disk Alert Pattern Rule$defs/diskAlerts/properties/patternRule

  • Disk Alert Patterns$defs/diskAlerts/properties/patterns

  • Disk Alerts$defs/diskAlerts

  • Disk Alerts

  • Disk Alerts Inode$defs/diskAlerts/properties/inode

  • Disk Alerts Perf$defs/diskAlerts/properties/perf

  • Disk Alerts Storage$defs/diskAlerts/properties/storage

  • Environment Variable$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVar

  • Environment Variable Source$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarSource

  • Ephemeral Backup Store Config

  • Exporter Config

  • External

  • External DNS Config

  • External DNS Endpoint

  • External DNS Secrets

  • External DNS Sources

  • External Database

  • External Database Config

  • External Redis Config

  • External Traffic Policy

  • Extra Output Rule

  • Extra Version

  • Falco Alerts

  • Falco Config

  • Falco Custom Rules

  • Falco Default Rules

  • Falco Driver

  • Falco Exporter

  • Falco Incubating Rules

  • Falco Kmod Driver Config

  • Falco Rule Files

  • Falco Sandbox Rules

  • Falco Sidekick

  • Falco eBPF Driver Config

  • Falcoctl Artifact

  • Falcoctl Artifact Install

  • Falcoctl Custom Artifact Index

  • Fluentd Aggregator

  • Fluentd Aggregator Persistence

  • Fluentd Audit

  • Fluentd Buffer Config$defs/fluentdBuffer

  • Fluentd Config

  • Fluentd Extra ConfigMaps

  • Fluentd Forwarder

  • Fluentd Forwarder User

  • Fluentd SC Logs

  • Fluxv2

  • GC (Garbage Collection) Config

  • Global options

  • Grafana

  • Grafana Additional Datasources

  • Grafana Config

  • Grafana External Dashboards

  • Grafana External Datasources

  • Grafana Label Enforcer Config

  • Grafana OIDC

  • Grafana OIDC Groups

  • Grafana Secrets

  • Grafana Sidecar

  • Grafana dataproxy values

  • HNC (Hierarchical Namespace Controller) Config

  • Harbor Config

  • Harbor Secret Config

  • Host Alias

  • IP And Port List$defs/netpolRule

  • Ingress Config

  • Ingress NGINX Extra Args

  • Ingress for Alertmanager

  • Ingress-NGINX Additional Config

  • Ingress-NGINX Config

  • Ingress-NGINX Controller

  • Ingress-NGINX Controller Config

  • Ingress-NGINX Default Backend

  • Ingress-NGINX Service

  • Internal Database

  • Internal Database Config

  • Internal Redis Config

  • Issuer Secrets

  • Issuers Config

  • Issuers Let's Encrypt

  • Issuers Secrets

  • JobLog Config

  • Jobservice Config

  • Kafka

  • Kube State Metrics

  • Kubernetes Node Selector$defs/kubernetesNodeSelector

  • Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim$defs/kubernetesPersistentVolumeClaim

  • Kubernetes Quantity Map$defs/kubernetesQuantityMap

  • Kubernetes Resource Requirements$defs/kubernetesResourceRequirements

  • Kured Config

  • Kured Config

  • Kured Metrics

  • Kured Metrics Labels

  • Kured Notification

  • Kured Notification Secrets

  • Kured Slack Notification

  • Kured Slack Notification Secrets

  • Label Selector Requirement$defs/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement

  • LabelSelector$defs/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector

  • Let's Encrypt Prod

  • Let's Encrypt Staging

  • Log Manager

  • Log Manager Compaction$defs/logManager/properties/compaction

  • Log Manager Compaction

  • Log Manager Compaction Volume

  • Log Manager Definitions$defs/logManager

  • Log Manager Job Ephemeral Volume$defs/logManager/properties/jobEphemeralVolumes

  • Log Manager Retention$defs/logManager/properties/retention

  • Log Manager Retention

  • Metrics Server

  • MongoDB

  • Mutation Job TTL

  • Mutation Ndots

  • Mutation Ndots Label Selector

  • Mutation Ndots Match Labels

  • Mutations

  • Network Policies Alertmanager

  • Network Policies Config

  • Network Policies CoreDNS

  • Network Policies CoreDNS External DNS

  • Network Policies CoreDNS Service IP

  • Network Policies DNS Autoscaler

  • Network Policies Dex

  • Network Policies Dex Connectors

  • Network Policies ExternalDNS

  • Network Policies Falco

  • Network Policies Falco Plugins

  • Network Policies Fluentd

  • Network Policies Gatekeeper

  • Network Policies Global

  • Network Policies Grafana

  • Network Policies Harbor

  • Network Policies Harbor Database

  • Network Policies Harbor Database External Egress

  • Network Policies Harbor Database Internal Ingress

  • Network Policies Harbor Job Service

  • Network Policies Harbor Redis

  • Network Policies Harbor Redis External Egress

  • Network Policies Harbor Registries

  • Network Policies Harbor Trivy

  • Network Policies Ingress NGINX

  • Network Policies Ingress Override

  • Network Policies Kube System

  • Network Policies Kured

  • Network Policies Kured Notifications Slack

  • Network Policies Monitoring

  • Network Policies ObjectStorage

  • Network Policies ObjectStorage Swift

  • Network Policies OpenSearch

  • Network Policies OpenSearch Plugins

  • Network Policies OpenStack

  • Network Policies Prometheus

  • Network Policies Prometheus Internal Access

  • Network Policies Rclone

  • Network Policies Rclone Sync

  • Network Policies Rclone Sync Object Storage

  • Network Policies Rclone Sync Object Storage

  • Network Policies Rclone Sync Object Storage

  • Network Policies Rook Ceph

  • Network Policies S3 Exporter

  • Network Policies SC API Server

  • Network Policies SC Ingress

  • Network Policies SC Nodes

  • Network Policies Thanos

  • Network Policies Trivy

  • Network Policies UpCloud

  • Network Policies Velero

  • Network Policies WC API Server

  • Network Policies WC Ingress

  • Network Policies WC Nodes

  • Network Policies cert-manager

  • Network Policies cert-manager DNS-01

  • Network Policies cert-manager Let's Encrypt

  • Node Local DNS

  • Node Ports

  • NodeAffinity$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAffinity

  • NodeSelector$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelector

  • NodeSelectorRequirement$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorRequirement

  • NodeSelectorTerm$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorTerm

  • Notary Config

  • NotarySigner Config

  • OIDC (OpenID Connector) Config

  • OPA Gatekeeper Audit

  • OPA Gatekeeper Config

  • Object Storage Buckets

  • Object Storage Config

  • Object Storage Secrets

  • Open Policy Agent Config

  • OpenSearch Additional Policies

  • OpenSearch Additional Templates

  • OpenSearch Client Node

  • OpenSearch Config

  • OpenSearch Curator

  • OpenSearch Curator Retention

  • OpenSearch Dashboards

  • OpenSearch Data Node

  • OpenSearch Exporter

  • OpenSearch Exporter Service Monitor

  • OpenSearch Extra User

  • OpenSearch Index State Management

  • OpenSearch Ingress

  • OpenSearch Master Node

  • OpenSearch Node$defs/node

  • OpenSearch Plugins

  • OpenSearch Prometheus Index Alert

  • OpenSearch Role$defs/role

  • OpenSearch Role

  • OpenSearch Role Definition$defs/role/properties/definition

  • OpenSearch Role Index Permission$defs/role/properties/indexPermissions/items

  • OpenSearch Role Mapping$defs/roleMapping

  • OpenSearch Role Mapping

  • OpenSearch Role Mapping Definition$defs/roleMapping/properties/definition

  • OpenSearch Secrets

  • OpenSearch Security Admin

  • OpenSearch Single Sign On

  • OpenSearch Snapshot

  • OpenSearch User$defs/user

  • OpenSearch User Attributes$defs/user/properties/attributes

  • OpenSearch User Definition$defs/user/properties/definition

  • Openstack Monitoring

  • OpsGenie Secrets

  • Persistence Config

  • PodAffinity$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinity

  • PodAffinityTerm$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm

  • PodAntiAffinity$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAntiAffinity

  • Portal Config

  • PreferredSchedulingTerm$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PreferredSchedulingTerm

  • Prometheus Blackbox Exporter

  • Prometheus Blackbox Exporter Targets

  • Prometheus Config

  • Prometheus Node Exporter

  • Prometheus Operator

  • Prometheus Operator Config Reloader

  • Prometheus Retention

  • Prometheus Storage

  • Rclone Crypt

  • Rclone Crypt Secrets

  • Rclone Restore Config

  • Rclone Restore Destinations

  • Rclone Restore Destinations Secrets

  • Rclone Restore Secrets

  • Rclone Restore Sources

  • Rclone Restore Sources Secrets

  • Rclone Sync Config

  • Rclone Sync Secrets

  • Redis Config

  • Registry config

  • Resource Field Selector$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceFieldSelector

  • Rook Ceph Config

  • Rook Ceph Monitoring

  • Rook Ceph Pod Security Policies

  • S3 Backend Config

  • S3 Backend Secrets

  • S3 Bucket Alerts$defs/s3BucketAlerts

  • S3 Bucket Alerts

  • S3 Bucket Alerts Objects$defs/s3BucketAlerts/properties/objects

  • S3 Bucket Alerts Size$defs/s3BucketAlerts/properties/size

  • S3 Bucket Alerts Total Size$defs/s3BucketAlerts/properties/totalSize

  • S3 Exporter

  • Safeguard Disallowed Tags

  • Safeguard Minimum Replicas

  • Safeguard Network Policies

  • Safeguard Reject Load Balancer Service

  • Safeguard Resource Requests

  • Safeguard Trusted Registries

  • Scan Data Exports Config

  • SealedSecrets

  • Secret Key Selector$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretKeySelector

  • Service Annotations

  • Service Monitor

  • Slack Custom Template

  • Slack Secrets

  • Storage Classes Config

  • Storage Driver S3 Config

  • Swift Backend Config

  • Swift Backend Secrets

  • Thanos Bucket Web

  • Thanos Compactor

  • Thanos Compactor Persistence

  • Thanos Config

  • Thanos Metrics

  • Thanos Metrics Service Monitor

  • Thanos Object Storage

  • Thanos Query

  • Thanos Query Frontend

  • Thanos Receive Distributor

  • Thanos Receiver

  • Thanos Receiver

  • Thanos Receiver Basic Auth

  • Thanos Receiver Basic Auth

  • Thanos Receiver Persistence

  • Thanos Ruler

  • Thanos Ruler Config Reloader

  • Thanos Ruler Persistence

  • Thanos Secrets

  • Thanos Store Gateway

  • Thanos Store Gateway Persistence

  • Toleration$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Toleration

  • Topology Spread Constraint$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySpreadConstraint

  • Trivy Config

  • Trivy Config

  • Trivy Image Pull Secret

  • Trivy Node Collector

  • Trivy Registry

  • Trivy Registry Mirror

  • Trivy Scan Jobs

  • Trivy Scanner

  • Trivy Service Monitor

  • Trivy Vulnerability Scanner

  • Untitled object in Compliant Kubernetes Apps Config$defs/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector/properties/matchLabels

  • Untitled object in Compliant Kubernetes Apps Config

  • Untitled object in Compliant Kubernetes Apps Config

  • User Config

  • User Secret Config

  • Velero Config

  • Velero Node Agent

  • Webhook Alerts

  • Webhook Config

  • WeightedPodAffinityTerm$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.WeightedPodAffinityTerm

  • Welcoming Dashboard

  • Workcload Cluster Ingress Probe

  • cert-manager Config


  • Additional Allow Propagate Resources List

  • Admin Groups

  • Admin Groups

  • Admin Users

  • Admin Users

  • Alert Custom Receivers

  • Alertmanager Group By

  • Alertmanager Volume Access Mode

  • CRD Names

  • Capacity Management Alerts Request Limit List$defs/capacityManagementAlerts/properties/requestlimitList

  • Clusters

  • Clusters Monitoring

  • Connector Hosted Domains

  • Dev CRDs Extra CRDs

  • Dev CRDs Extra Service Accounts

  • Dex Connectors

  • Dex Kubelogin Redirects

  • Dex Static Clients

  • Disk Alert Pattern Rules$defs/diskAlerts/properties/patternRules

  • Environment Variables Render

  • Environment Variables Render

  • Excluded Extra Namespaces

  • Excluded Namespaces

  • External DNS Domains

  • External DNS Endpoints

  • Extra Arguments$defs/extraArgs

  • Extra Issuers

  • Extra Versions

  • Falcoctl Custom Artifact Indices

  • Grafana Additional Plugins

  • Grafana OIDC Allowed Domains

  • Host Aliases

  • Host Names

  • Issuer Solver

  • Issuer Solver

  • JobLoggers Config

  • Kubernetes Tolerations$defs/kubernetesTolerations

  • Kubernetes Topology Spread Constraints$defs/kubernetesTopologySpreadConstraints

  • Kured Schedule Reboot Days

  • List Of IP Netmasks$defs/iplist

  • Load Balancer Source Ranges

  • Managed Namespace Annotations

  • Managed Namespace Labels

  • Match Expressions$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorTerm/properties/matchExpressions

  • Match Expressions$defs/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector/properties/matchExpressions

  • Match Fields$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorTerm/properties/matchFields

  • Match Label Keys$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm/properties/matchLabelKeys

  • Match Label Keys$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySpreadConstraint/properties/matchLabelKeys

  • Mismatch Label Keys$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm/properties/mismatchLabelKeys

  • Namespaces$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm/properties/namespaces

  • Namespaces

  • Network Policies Allowed Namespaces

  • Network Policies Egress Policies

  • Network Policies Ingress Policies

  • Network Policies cert-manager namespaces

  • Network Policy Peers

  • Network Policy Peers

  • Network Policy Peers

  • Network Policy Ports

  • Network Policy Ports

  • Network Policy Ports

  • Node Selector Terms$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelector/properties/nodeSelectorTerms

  • OpenSearch Curator Retention

  • OpenSearch Extra Role Mappings

  • OpenSearch Extra Roles

  • OpenSearch Extra Users

  • OpenSearch Install Additional Plugins

  • OpenSearch Prometheus Index Alerts

  • OpenSearch Role Allowed Actions$defs/role/properties/allowedActions

  • OpenSearch Role Cluster Permissions$defs/role/properties/clusterPermissions

  • OpenSearch Role Index Patterns$defs/role/properties/indexPatterns

  • OpenSearch Role Index Permissions$defs/role/properties/indexPermissions

  • OpenSearch Role Mapping Groups$defs/roleMapping/properties/groups

  • OpenSearch Role Mapping Users$defs/roleMapping/properties/users

  • OpenSearch User Groups$defs/user/properties/groups

  • OpenSearch User Security Roles$defs/user/properties/securityRoles

  • Port Number List$defs/portlist

  • Preferred During Scheduling Ignored During Execution$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAffinity/properties/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

  • Preferred During Scheduling Ignored During Execution$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinity/properties/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

  • Preferred During Scheduling Ignored During Execution$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAntiAffinity/properties/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

  • Prometheus Additional Scrape Configs

  • Prometheus Blackbox Exporter Custom Kube API Targets

  • Prometheus Internal Access Namespaces

  • Rclone Restore Targets

  • Rclone Sync Buckets

  • Record Targets

  • Relabelings

  • Required During Scheduling Ignored During Execution$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinity/properties/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

  • Required During Scheduling Ignored During Execution$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAntiAffinity/properties/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

  • S3 Bucket Alerts Exclude$defs/s3BucketAlerts/properties/exclude

  • Safeguard Disallowed Tags

  • Safeguard Trusted Registries URLs

  • Service IP Families

  • ServiceAccounts

  • Static Client Redirect URIs

  • Unpropagated Annotations

  • Values$defs/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorRequirement/properties/values

  • Values$defs/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement/properties/values

  • Velero Excluded namespaces

  • Velero Excluded namespaces

Version Note

The schemas linked above follow the JSON Schema Spec version:

Generated Fri Jul 26 03:48:34 UTC 2024 from elastisys/compliantkubernetes-apps@main