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Avoid unexpected changes: disallowed tags


This section helps you implement ISO 27001, specifically:

  • A.12.1.2 Change Management
  • A.14.2.2 System Change Control Procedures
  • A.14.2.4 Restrictions on Changes to Software Packages


This safeguard is enabled by default with the enforcement action deny since Compliant Kubernetes apps v0.29.0. As a result, resources that violate this policy will not be created.

Using the :latest tag can lead to inconsistent deployments, where it is difficult to rollback. In Compliant Kubernetes we suggest using explicit tags for your container images. This way you know that image version v1.0.0 will be deployed if you are using the :v1.0.0 tag.

How to solve: [container-image-must-not-have-disallowed-tags]

You may encounter the following issue:

Error from server ([container-image-must-not-have-disallowed-tags] container <example-container> uses a disallowed tag <harbor.$DOMAIN/$REGISTRY_PROJECT/example-container:latest>; disallowed tags are ["latest"])

This means that you are not allowed to use the :latest tag on your images. If no tag is specified, Kubernetes assumes :latest, but that does not mean that the most recent version of the image will actually be used. :latest is just a tag and is not dynamically updated to the most recent version of the image. It also becomes difficult to track which version of the image was used if you were to do a rollback.

To fix this, you have the following options:

  • Use a meaningful tag for your images i.e. v1.0.0.

If your administrator has not enforced this policy yet, you can view current violations of the policy by running:

kubectl get container-image-must-not-have-disallowed-tags -ojson | jq .status.violations

Further Reading